Amanda Palmer’s ‘The Art of Asking’ TED Talk: The Digital Music Debate Continues

Imagine you’re crowdfunding your big project on Kickstarter and you ask the masses to help meet your initial $200,000 goal, and instead end up raising nearly $1.2 million, donated by 25,000 strong. You’re probably thinking: That’s a lot of money.

And a whole lot of asking.

Well, that’s exactly what punk rock and cabaret music revolutionary Amanda Palmer did recently, and in her TED Talk she shares her perfectly good reason for opening her hand to fans, and why they willingly give.

Now, while this was a 2013 TED Talk, the debate still rages on, thanks to recent outrage with the little revenue some artists have made despite their heavy Spotify and Pandora rotations and the continued existence of bit torrents.

What are your thoughts on the digital music download debate? Should digital music be free in exchange for commodities, or should listeners always be charged for their music? Share your thoughts in a comment below.

Mellissa Thomas is a Jamaica-born author, award-winning screenwriter, poet, freelance writer and manuscript editor currently available for hire. She has been published in Caribbean Today, Orlando Fashion Magazine and several others; and has posted on popular blogs, including Men with Pens and Successful Blogging.

She has also published six books: including the newly released Crooked Beauty: Words on Our Imperfect Life, and In the Rough, all available on and major online bookstores. For more information, visit
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